Can I Recover Permanently Deleted Directory in Windows 11

I deleted a folder that contains some important information. Now, I need to recover it. But the directory size is larger than the Recycle Bin allowed, so it got deleted permanently. Help at the earliest will be highly appreciated.

A directory is a unique file format containing only the information necessary to access files or directories. It often occupies less space than common file formats, but it can be very large if you store too much data. You need to make it clear that even permanently deleted files can be recovered only if the data is not overwritten. And the best idea is to use data recovery software like EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard

This tool can help you recover lost directories in many different scenarios and save your permanently deleted files from a PC or even a formatted storage device. Here are the detailed steps:

Step 1. Download and install EaseUS Dat Recovery Wizard and choose the location (partition or drive) where your deleted files are stored. Click "Scan" to locate your lost files.

Step 2. Now, you need to find your files in the search results. You can filter the files by their format or the file name if you can remember to find the target file.

Step 3. You can then preview the files you want to recover by double-clicking it. If the files you found are what you want to recover, click "Recover" to get them back and save them in a safer location.

Well, restoring your deleted files on Windows 11 from File History is also a wise choice:

  • In the Task Bar, click the search icon and type in "Restore Files".
  • Click it open and locate the folder where your files are originally stored.
  • Right-click them to preview them. If all the files are ready, tap on the "Restore" button to retrieve your lost files.

🔗Related Post: How to Recover Permanently Deleted Files in Windows 11 [3 Top Methods]