Recovery Software for Windows 10 [ for Recovering TXT Files]

I unintentionally deleted a .txt file, and before I could use any data recovery software, Windows 10 automatically upgraded the system. Recuva is no longer able to locate the file. Do you have any recommendations for data recovery software I may use in my situation?

Actually, you have other ways to get back your deleted TXT files. Before applying for a TXT file recovery program, you should try the following methods to see if you can get your TXT files back:

1. Recover deleted TXT files from the Windows 10 Recycle Bin. It is possible that your TXT files are still in the Recycle Bin. You can open the Recycle Bin and scroll down to find your TXT files. Right-click the files and choose "Restore".

2. Restore TXT files from a recent backup. If you have turned on the automatic backup option on Windows 10 or in your backup application, you can choose a recent backup to restore the deleted TXT files.

3. Recover TXT files with Windows Restore Previous Versions option. Select the wanted files and choose "Restore" to recover the TXT files.

If you cannot recover the deleted TXT files with the three methods above, you can use EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard to recover them. This TXT recovery freeware will help Windows 10 users recover lost or deleted TXT files in only three steps:

1. Scan the lost TXT files on your SSD, HDD, memory card, SD card, USB flash drive, or external hard drive.

2. The found files will be divided into pictures, Words, PPTs, Excels, videos, and so on, This option will help you find the target files quickly.

3. Select all the files you want and press the "Recover" icon. Then all the files you selected will be restored to another drive.