Recover My USB Sticks and Sandisk Memory Cards Discovered

I just realized that all my memory cards and USB sticks are SanDisk. Is there a workaround I can apply to reactivate my HP stream? The server distro mentioned in the comments flashed successfully on a SanDisk. The remainder of the installation procedure was completed as usual.

It would be best if you often had an SD card repair tool when your memory card becomes corrupted. There are several ways to corrupt an SD card. This corruption can be divided into two groups: logical corruption and physical corruption. No repair tool will work to fix a physically damaged SanDisk SD card; only manual repairs should be used. The files on the memory card cannot be opened or accessed if it has logical corruption. To recover your data prior to the repair, use the hard drive recovery program, EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard.

Step 1. Get EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard downloaded and installed on your Windows computer. Connect your SanDisk, Lexar, or Transcend SD card to the computer correctly. Choose SD Card Recovery from the left panel of the EaseUS SD card recovery program after it is open. Here, a list of all attached drives will appear.

Step 2. Review the scan results. Hold off till the scanning is finished. Choose one or more file kinds, such as pictures, videos, documents, and so on, to appear. To verify that they are the desired files, click "Preview."

Step 3. Rather than using the original SD card to store the recovered files, pick a separate location.

You won't see your SD card listed under File Explorer if it shares the same drive letter as a partition on your PC. Hence, altering your SD card's drive letter should be helpful.

  • Right-click the SD card and select Change Drive Letter from the EaseUS SD card repair tool that has been downloaded and launched.
  • Choose the drive letter you want to give the card from the drop-down list.
  • Click "OK" to complete the process.

When you see that your SD card has a RAW file system, formatting it can be helpful. Ensure you have backed up the files on your SD card using the methods described above because formatting your medium storage results in data loss.