How to Delete Files Older Than 30 Days with PowerShell

I need a script that will remove any files older than 30 days from a folder while leaving any files and directories with files within that are younger than 30 days. Any ideas for deleting files older than 30 days with PowerShell or other tools?

To delete files older than 30 days ( we will take Windows 10 as an example), you can use PowerShell, Command Prompt, and File Explorer:

1. Right-click your search result for Windows PowerShell and choose "Run as administrator" after opening the Start menu on Windows 10. Type in Get-ChildItem –Path "C:\\path\\to\\folder" -Recurse | Where-Object {($_.LastWriteTime -lt (Get-Date).AddDays(-30))} | Remove-Item in the window. Replace C:pathtofolder with the folder location containing the files you wish to remove, and change "-30" to the command above that selects files with the latest updated date. Then the command will run after pressing the Enter key.

2. Run Command Prompt as an administrator on your Windows 10. Type in ForFiles //p "C:pathtofolder"//s //d -X //c "cmd //c del //q @file and hit Enter. Change C:pathtofolder to the path to the folder you want to remove files from, and change "//d -X" to the option you wish to use to only choose files with the last updated date. This command will help you delete files older than x days.

3. Delete files older than 30 days with Task Scheduler is the simplest way for novice users. To launch File Explorer, press Win + E on your keyboard and find the target folder. Click "Date Modified", choose the files, and delete them.

If you want to recover deleted files, you can download a third-party recovery tool. It is possible to recover deleted files from Recycle Bin, recent backups, or restore your system to a previous date. With three simple steps, you can try EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard to get back your lost films, Word documents, music, and personal pictures.