Why Does My PC Only Have C Drive?

I bought a new computer yesterday, and I turned it on this morning. There's only a C drive. Why does my PC only have a C drive? Where's the D drive or others? Is there anyone who can tell me why and how to resolve this issue? Thanks in advance!

The reason why your PC only has a C drive is that other drives have not been allocated yet.

It is common for a newly purchased computer to only have a C drive on its disk. You can either use the C drive to hold system files and store your files and software, or you can create more partitions to separate OS from programs.

To create another partition, you can resort to a reliable disk and partition manager called EaseUS Partition Master Professional. It allows you to create a new partition easily and safely with a few clicks.

Below are the steps:

Step 1. Download and launch EaseUS Partition Master. Click on the C drive and select "Resize/Move,"

Step 2. Drag the dots from the end of the C drive to shrink its space.

Step 3. Click "Execute 1 Task(s)." and "Apply" to shrink the C drive.

Step 4. Click on the unallocated space and choose "Create,"

Step 5. Then, set the partition size, drive letter, and file system of the new partition.

Step 6. Click "Execute 1 Task(s)." and "Apply" to finish the process.

You can also split the C drive and create a new partition from the unallocated space with EaseUS Partition Master.