Help, My Disk Space Beyond 2TB Will Be Unusable

The operating system of my computer is Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard Edition. When I create another partition, I get the error 'This disk is formatted as MBR; more than 2TB of disk space will not be usable.' I really don't know how to solve this problem. Can anyone suggest a better solution to this problem so it won't affect my current OS and its settings? I would be very grateful if someone could help me.

It's a common issue among Windows users. MBR is a type of partition that stores data on a hard disk or SSD using the standard BIOS partition table. MBR supports drives up to 2TB, which is the MBR maximum size limit. If your drive is larger than 2TB, for example, 3TB, you can only access the first 2TB. The rest of the drive will show as "Unallocated," and it is unusable. Next, I'll show you how to solve this problem.

To break the limit of an MBR disk and solve this problem, you can convert MBR to a GPT disk. GPT has a maximum disk size of 9400000000TB, while MBR only supports disks up to 2TB. MBR only allows users to create 4 primary partitions; GPT can have 128 partitions.

EaseUS Partition Master Server is a reliable tool that has helped me solve a lot of disk issues.

Now, follow the guide to use EaseUS Partition Master to convert MBR to GPT:

Step 1: Install EaseUS Partition Master Server on your computer and open it. Then navigate to the "Disk Converter" section.

Step 2: Click "Convert MBR to GPT" and click "Next" to continue.

Step 3: Choose the MBR disk, then click "Convert" to begin the process.

Hope my answer works on your issue.