How to Transfer Files From External Hard Drive to PC? Anyone Helps?

Transferring files from external hard drives to a desktop is difficult. Hello! I just bought a new HP computer. I'm trying to transfer my important files from an external drive to a new computer. But the process was not smooth. There are many scattered files in various folders. I can't batch-transfer target files to the desktop with one click. This makes me very distressed. Can anyone help me?

Hello, I understand your problem. Manually transferring scattered files from an external drive to your computer does take time. And the process is a bit cumbersome. Based on my experience, I recommend you use third-party software. Many third-party software on the market allow you to batch-select files located in different folders at the same time and transfer them to the target with one click.

Here, I will share with you a transfer software that I often use - EaseUS Todo PCTrans.

This software has helped me complete data transfers between old and new computers or between hard drives and computers many times. It accomplished its mission successfully every time. Thanks to this tool, I didn't lose any data.

You can follow the steps below to solve your current problem:

Step 1. Connect the external hard drive to a Windows PC correctly.

Step 2. Download and open EaseUS Todo PCTrans. Navigate to the "Backup and Restore" section.

Step 3. Click "Start." Under the Data Backup section, click Next to continue.

Step 4. Enter the file name for your backup. Then, choose all the target files that you want to transfer.

Step 5. After that, click Back up and wait patiently.

It may take some time, depending on your file size. Once the transfer is complete, all your target files will be moved to the target desktop. Wish your transfer smooth.