How Do I Move Programs from My C Drive to D Drive Without Reinstalling

I recently got a new SSD for my laptop. I want to use it as storage for my software and files so that the original SSD can get more free space. I managed to transfer all the files and certain programs. There are still some programs left. Is there any way to transfer programs to another drive but still be able to use them without uninstalling and reinstalling those programs?

For most programs, you have to use app transfer software like EaseUS Todo PCTrans Professional to move them from C drive to D drive without uninstalling and reinstalling them.

However, there are certain software that don't require a tool to be transferred between two different drives, Blender, for example. Such programs allow users to copy and paste directly to another drive. So, before downloading EaseUS Todo PCTrans, check if your program needs this.

After downloading the tool, you can follow the guide below:

Step 1. Open EaseUS Todo PCTrans.

Step 2. In the App Migration tab, hit "Start" to scan your drives and apps.

Step 3. In the C drive, select the programs you want to transfer and choose D drive as the destination.

Step 4. Click "Transfer" to begin and wait patiently till it's done.

Now, you have successfully transferred programs from C drive to D drive. You can then use these programs without other operations required.

Related article: How to Move Programs from C Drive to D Drive Windows 10