[Memory Card Recovery] Kingston Memory Card Data Recovery Tool Free Download

I just did something crazy. I unintentionally erased every file on my Kingston SD card. Instead of formatting, I just removed it. There were videos there for the entire day. Although I am aware of several methods, can video files be recovered? Please let me know.

If you google solutions for a while, you will find that many Kingston recovery tools are available, and there is really a big hope to recover lost data from Kingston flash drive. With a hefty amount of digital images and files to recover, you cannot make a second mistake anymore. So the first step is to make sure that you chose the most reliable and capable recovery tool.

Do not hesitate to apply the EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard. It's compatible with all Windows operating systems. Moreover, it has both Windows OS and Mac OS X/macOS versions. One more advantage to choosing EaseUS data recovery software is that it provides customers with a free version, which allows for 2GB file recovery from Kingston memory card for free.

Step 1. Connect the SD card, memory card, or CF Card to your computer and launch EaseUS memory card recovery software on your PC. The SD card will be listed under the Devices section. Choose the SD card and click "Scan" to start looking for your lost data.

Step 2. The software will start a scan automatically. The scan is powerful enough to find all lost files even lost file names. After the scanning process, you can find deleted items from the tree-view panel on the left. Then, click "Filter" if you are looking for a specific file type, like photos, documents, videos, or emails.

Step 3. You can directly double-click the files to preview the content. After this, you can choose the wanted files and click "Recover" to restore them to a secure location on your PC or other external storage devices.

You can also try MediaRECOVER. It only supports older Windows operating systems under Windows 7. Except for the operating system requirement, it's an ideal choice for Kingston users, as it's an exclusive Kingston data recovery program.