Why Can't I Delete E Drive

Hello there! I encountered a trouble while using Disk Management. I was trying to delete my E drive to transfer the space to the D drive, but the Delete Volume option was greyed out in Disk Management. Why can't I delete E drive? Is there any other way to delete a partition on the disk? Thanks in advance!

Best Answered by

Oliver· Answered on May 16, 2024

There are multiple reasons why you can't delete the E drive:

  • Page file: If there are hidden Page files that contain the specific information present in the RAM stored in the partition, you will not get the Delete partition option. 
  • Virtual memory files: If the virtual memory files are set on the E drive, the Delete Volume option will be unavailable.
  • Operation System files: When the operating system files are installed on the E drive, you will be unable to delete the partition.

Thus, you need assistance from a professional disk and partition manager to delete the E drive. EaseUS Partition Master Free contains everything you need for the entire process.

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First, you should create a bootable USB drive of EaseUS Partition Master:

Step 1. Insert the USB drive into your PC and open EaseUS Partition Master.

Step 2. Go to the "Bootable Media" tab and select your USB drive. Then, click "Create" to make it a bootable media.

Step 3. Now, you can boot your PC from the USB drive.

Then, you can delete the E drive in WinPE.

Step 1. Launch EaseUS Partition Master, right-click on the E drive, and select "Delete."

Step 2. Click "Execute * Task" and "Apply" to start the process.

Related Article: Fix Delete Volume Greyed Out in Disk Management on Windows 7/8/10/11

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